About Kobelski Designs
Deborah Robertson has always had a creative imagination. One of her favorite quotes:
" I dream of painting and then I paint my dream."
-Vincent Van Gogh
She loves the freedom of being a Creative Visionary. Whether designing, photographing, writing, or being on an adventure, she puts her loyalty into her work.
Coming from a self-taught family has made her a seeker of knowledge to learn new skills. What she watches today will be made by tomorrow. Universal Classes helped her get certified in over 29 certifications some are travel writing, haunted places, and a wine guide. It comes in handy when traveling on an adventure. She continues growing her skills with Skillshare and Creative Live.
Even though she likes working alone late at night or early in the morning with coffee in hand setting up multitasking. She could put together an event and delegate to her co-workers. She had never been the type that would stay at an entry level too long.